Travel feeds our soul, our minds, and our bodies. Because of this, we sometimes need the inspiration to kick off the wanderlust flame.

Have you ever watched a movie and thought ‘I need to go there’? This common phenomenon is simply opening your eyes to new places in the world.
Often, we don’t have the time to learn or read about destinations and cultures but, when we see them on film, we gain a whole new understanding and appreciation for foreign lands, cultures, and people. We are able to actually see ourselves there and picture the experiences we wish to have.

Our top 20 travel movies that have taught us and inspired us to travel

The Way
Out of Africa
Eat, Pray, Love
Under the Tuscan Sun
The Motorcycle Diaries
One Week
Bucket List
The Beach
Into the Wild
A Map for Saturday
Que Tan Lejos
The Darjeeling Limited
A Good Year
Seven Years in Tibet
Encounters at the End of the World
Midnight in Paris
The Martian
In Bruges
Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

What’s your favourite movie that inspires you to get out and see the world?

If you are ready to start planning your vacation contact one of our experienced travel specialists and get personalized advice on which destinations best suits your travel needs and desires.
TierOne Travel